Wednesday, 10 December 2014

FSA Food Labeling Legislation - Practical Steps For Your Restaurant

With the new allergy legislation coming into effect on December 13th this year we thought we would give you 4 quick and easy steps to make sure your business is prepared for the new rules and regulations.

1. Train staff. A great resource to get clued up is FSA's website where your key staff can get certified with a simple online test.

2. Labels on food tubs not only keep your kitchen organised but also make sure chefs and anyone preparing food know exactly what is going into each recipe. They can then inform waiting staff of precisely what ingredients are in each dish.

3. Clear signage around your restaurant make sure your customers know where to ask about potential allergens and inform you of any special dietary requirements. Table signs, wall notices and window stickers are the perfect way to direct your customers to the right person.

4. Allergen warning notices for your buffet are a simple yet clear way of letting your customer know about potential allergens in foods served. 

If you would like to know more about this new legislation please get in touch and we can discuss your requirements.

Kirsty Bygraves 

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