Wednesday 22 January 2014

Maximise revenue this Valentine's day

With the busy Christmas and New Years seasons now behind us, many of our clients are looking for new and innovative ways to continue to grow. Plus, with industry reports suggesting that some 27 bars per week are shutting their doors post-Christmas, it’s important to know just how to stay ahead.

Valentines Day presents a welcome addition to the hospitality calendar and yet is often under-utilised by restaurants, bars and hotels. With winter well and truly set in, it is more important than ever that we find new and innovative ways to entice customers out of their homes.

With this in mind, Klaremont has teamed up with 3 acclaimed venues to ask them their opinion on ways to maximise the customer spend.

1. The Bar
 Create a unique and appealing drink that is themed for the occasion, just like the ‘Pepper Middleton’ at Talented Mr Fox in Soho. A combination of Pink peppercorn distillate, cocchi Rosa, raspberry Lactart, egg white and rose dust - can draw in customers and position you way above the competition. 
(Matt Whiley - Talented Mr Fox, Leicester Street, W1)

Talented Mr Fox Bar, Leicester Street, London
2. The Menu
 Focus on simple upwelling opportunities for your customers including, tasting menus or a wine accompaniment for each dish. The romantic couple will want to impress on this occasion so their chances if agreeing to additional courses and added extras is far higher. It is these extras which will maximise your profitability over this day. (Robin Gill - The Dairy, Clapham Old Town)

Focus on simple upwelling opportunities for your customers
3. The Ambience
 Remember, atmosphere is key.  Adding a warm glow at the entry way, through some large pillar candles, can be just the thing to invite people toward the door. Never underestimate the use of candles to set the mood. A low lit room, relaxed music and an elegant candle on each table will only help to encourage the couple to order another bottle or that extra digestive. 
(Jayke Mangion - Entree, Battersea Rise)

Atmosphere is key. Create an ambient environment for your customers
View our selection of Valentine's day products here

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